Sunday, 17 May 2015

The village feasts

Although the village feasts have religious origins now a day are being entertaining. In Malta each church is dedicated to a patron saint which the feast is made for. Many of the feasts we found in Malta are made during the summer and each one is made on a particular weekend. The feasts that are celebrated in Malta are a showcase of a particular village, colorful pelmets lining the streets, statues and fireworks which are fired at night. There is also the village band to complete making atmosphere in the streets. In the streets one can also found stands of local people selling nougat.

Maltese fireworks

In Malta we have many activities during the feasts. A very good example that brings many tourists to Malta is the Maltese fireworks. These go to the times of Saint John knights. These are made from good talented people all year round and are made and putted in a place called the kamra tan nar. These people are also always risking their life since sometimes although rarely they explode.
Some of the types of the fireworks are the ‘sferi’, ‘blalen’, ‘tal kulur’, ‘ beraq ta filodu’ like ‘beraq pront u murtuletti’, ‘bombi’, and ‘kaxxa’. The ‘kaxxa’ is the last thing that is fired before the bombs.
Before the fireworks there is the musketterija which consists of many explosion crackers fired in a continuous therm. These are attached with a string of a high building like the church or the kazin.
There are 35 fireworks factories around Malta.

When I was making my research I also found that in Japan they make fireworks. The coloured fireworks in malta have same type of colors like japanese ones and have also same shape.

Maltese fireworks- circular design

 Japanese design

Same design and shape is used in both fire works. One can also see same pattern 2 circles in each firework.


Loghob tan-nar [online] available at:<  [Accessed 12 May 2015]

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