Sunday 17 May 2015

Maltese luzzu

Luzzu is part of the Maltese cultural history,a maltese fishing boat which can be easily recognised from it’s colours blue, red, yelow and sometimes green is also inserted. The name came from sicilian fishing boat which was called ‘Guzzu’. Today the luzzu is also beeing used for tourists tours around the coast of malta. The eyes that the luzzu have on the front are reffered to the ‘Eye of OsIris’. Many believe that they are made to protects fisherman when they are on the sea and ward off evil spirits. The colours of the luzzu have never been changed since they think that it’s bad luck if you change them. The luzzu is also built very strong with double-ended carvel built hull to head out the sea every day also in bad weathers. Many of these fishing boats can be seen in Marsaxlokk and st. Pauls Bay and in many other seaside villages around Malta. In the early days the luzzu Worked with sails but today they are all with diesel engines.

I compared the luzzu to sicilian boats since they have the same design. They have same type of hull and also roundish like the luzzu from the back.

 In my research I also found that the eye of osiris was also found in Phenician boats so that I think that Maltese fisherman may took this thought from them.


What is a luzzu ? – Neptune charter Malta [online] available at :<> [Accessed 25 June 2015]
Available at :<> [Accessed 25 June 2015]

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